Drug overdoses, fatal and nonfatal, continue to be a leading cause of injury-related death in the US, primarily involving opioids. Beyond the tragic loss of life, nonfatal overdoses also impose emotional and economic challenges. This epidemic affects individuals regardless of demographics and increases the risk of recurring overdoses.

The Robin Foundation serves as a community distributor of Narcan under the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Overdose Prevention Program (OPP). Aligned with the program’s objectives to curb opioid overdose fatalities, we facilitate access to FDA-approved emergency opioid antagonists, specifically NARCAN nasal spray, for individuals and organizations at risk of experiencing or witnessing an opioid overdose.

In addition to our distribution efforts, our commitment extends to providing comprehensive training sessions, equipping individuals, and organizations with the necessary skills to administer this life-saving medication effectively and confidently.



The Robin Foundation provides comprehensive overdose prevention training both in-person and online. Our training covers essential topics to empower individuals to effectively address opioid overdoses:

  • Embracing a harm reduction approach.

  • Understanding the opioid public health crisis, including trends, impacts, and data.

  • Identifying the signs of an opioid overdose.

  • Overview of various opioid medications used in pain management.

  • Safe administration of Narcan nasal spray.

  • Familiarity with national and state laws governing Naloxone use in saving lives from opioid overdose.

Upon completion of our training, you will be equipped to play a pivotal role in combating opioid overdoses within your community.

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